We produce power transformers between the power levels of 2, 5 MVA and 10 MVA with 36 KV voltage levels, in accordance with TS, IEC, and VDE standards. Power transformers are being produced with natural cooling (ONAN), compulsive cooling (ONAF), and idle-load tap changer or under- load automatic tap changer. We are conducting research projects to increase the capacity of power transformers that we are producing. Our first aim is to increase power levels to 100 MVA and the voltage level s to 170 KV. We are planning to produce the first oily type power transformers at this level by the end of 2013.

Our Address
Rizgari Makhmour st. Erbil, Iraq
Ibrahim Khalil st. No 27/2, Zakho
         Atashahir, Istanbul, Turkey
: 00964-7701528606
: 00964-7507688606
: 00964-7730208606
: 00964-7504064141

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